Humanitarian Aid for the Elderly

A great number of elderly citizens of Ukraine currently struggle to afford sustenance and medication, furthermore, some are physically unable to supply themselves due to health issues and/or disability. The situation needs to be changed! Our main task today is to provide our elderly with the sufficient amount of food in this difficult time. We believe happy retirement is possible for everyone. Our simple actions can lift someone's spirits and let them know there is still room for kindness in the world.


Current projects
Country Poland
Deadline 31.12.2023
Amount 58534 / $ 153427


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Adres siedziby: Aleja Solidarności 68/121, 00-240 Warszawa, Polska
Konto bankowe: 46 1020 5561 0000 3902 3081 7943
IBAN - PL46 1020 5561 0000 3902 3081 7943

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Humanitarian Aid for the Elderly in Poland

Provided assistance to: Hundreds of elderly individuals (campaigns "Take Products for Free," "Assistance to Refugees 60+") In modern society, the number of elderly individuals is increasing, which poses challenges in the field of humanitarian aid. The elderly often experience physical, emotional, and financial difficulties, making the provision of humanitarian aid necessary to ensure their dignified living.

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Why is humanitarian aid needed for the elderly?

Meeting basic needs: Many elderly individuals may face financial hardships or have limited self-care abilities. Humanitarian aid can provide them with basic necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical assistance.

Health and medical care: The elderly typically have a greater need for medical assistance due to declining health, chronic illnesses, and physical limitations. Humanitarian aid can ensure access to medical services, medications, and rehabilitation measures.

Social isolation: Many older people may feel socially isolated due to the loss of a partner, distance from family, or physical limitations. Humanitarian aid can include psychological support, social interaction programs, and caregiving services, which help reduce social isolation and improve the quality of life.

Protection from violence and abuse: The elderly are a more vulnerable group and may face violence, abuse, and exploitation. Humanitarian aid can encompass measures to counteract violence, provide legal support, and implement other initiatives aimed at protecting older people.

Access to education and culture: Humanitarian aid can contribute to ensuring access to education and cultural events.


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